Touhou is a danmaku game (bullet hell), however, this is a mod called touhoumon, a pokemon fire red rip of touhou characters. They have their own skills, cons and pros.

-starting from 1st
-Sakuya Izayoi (my starter :p)
-Medicine Melancholy (omgbbq shiny)
-Remilia Scarlet
-Patchouli Knowledge
-Alice Margatoid (the first touhou charcter I know)
Yay~ A little break from the end of exams. Study camp is next week, LETS DO IT!
Yes, today we got back the result slip. I wasn't upset because I am already expecting the result to be that bad. Surprisingly enough I got a class position 9... top 10?? For my darn results. This shows that our class this year really needs to work harder.
Anyway, we have "use your own hand" day, we cleaned our table and stuff. After that Howard, Phong Su and I went to T1 to eat subway. Along there while going to Tampines mall, I accidentally knocked into one guy, then he started sprouting some random shit that I doubt even an animal will understand. I said to him in his face " I aplogized already, what you want me to do? " His girlfriend (or maybe his mom) was pulling his sleeve asking him to stop. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with him? Then he kept staring at me and he knocked onto another person. That person was also staring at him, man I wished he would get big fist in his face, typical singaporeans, trying to act tough in front of your girlfriend?
Sharing somepics from touhoumon, a pokemon fire-red mod of Touhou characters. Scarily true and cute.

My "touhoumon" Daiyousei xD

Finally! I got my hands on one of the Touhou games! I've been waiting to try it out for a couple of months already and yup, with Jater's help I managed to get it working!
Stage 1 Clear! lolFor unaware readers, Touhou is a doujin-shooter game. Characters include girls with wings, for example, Shameimaru Aya, Remelia Scarlet... etc etc.. I can go on forever, because there's like 30 over characters + villans.
Shameimaru AyaTouhou is like those top-down shooting games you see in arcades last time. I spent around half and hour trying to clear stage 2.. on easy mode. It isn't easy! Anyway, this is where I end today.

Somehow, I would like to be that girl shooting random shit at the main character, saying "Hah! Dodge this!"
A post from my psp. Well, today basically was the intensive training. Imagine 6 hours of studying for only 2 subjects... It was boring as hell. So, the first night was over, a couple more to go.
Aw look, it's tomorrow. My computer and PSP ends. Going to start my study life to the fullest, and I shall enter media design school in Temasek next year! I guess this really helps.
Anyway, yesterday, A bunch of my friends and I went to marina square to celebrate my belated birthday, by watching Night in the Museum 2. I give that show a 8/10 for it's epicness. It's seriously funny and we were all slapping our knees laughing. -2points for the main character kissing Amelia when she's supposed to be a WAX figure, plus the main character is already married and has kidss..
After the show, we hurried to Yuki and Yaki japanese barbaque but to our dismay it's full. We decided to reserve a seat for the 7 of us , Howard, Jater, Andy, Phong su, Wai zhen ,xk and me. We took the 8.00 slot and in mean time we went to the arcade to slack. I got pumped out playing Time crisis 2 , haha.
They called us at around 7.50 and we went down. We sat down and started cooking. The food there is really good, compared the Seoul Garden.. that sick taste. Here in YnY they give us 2 seperate place to cook, one is the stew and one is the barbaque pit. There is ample space for us to cook. We then bid each other goodbye at around 10.30 and I reached home at 11.15. It was a tiring day but thank you all who made is successful. Good luck everyone for their O levels and I shall blog a little every week on the progress!
It shall end for me this sunday. Not my life, but the computer. These last 3 days I shall play and on sunday, my psp, my computer will all be dismantled and I shall study.
It is the only way. I thought the computer to be a distressing activity but it went overboard and turned me into what I am now, a failure in life.
Then again, A reason why I choose to keep the news from my folks is that. I feel stressed enough for today.. Please. I just want to play... I was found out... no deal. Obviously got scolded for it.
Ok. I'm stupid. End of story. WHY did I choose sec 5 over ITE? It sucks.. It sucks... that mountain.. is too high for me to overcome. I don't have the knowledge, that patience, that endurance to scale it. I will just fall back from where I started, over and over again. I might as well ditch all hope now and go to ITE at the end of the year. I hope the world ends at 2012 and I can just die without worry. I don't have to care about studies anymore that way. Woulden it be awesome?
Help me please... that stress...
* The tears i shed whist typing this represents my regret and anger.. *
Life Is or Is not a bed of roses? implanted in my memories forever will be " Life is a bed of roses, with thorns, like Mdm Faz talked about today.
When I received my results today, for a moment I really want to give up everything but my conscious failed to allow me to. Failed miserably for my mid years this time, I really don't know how I will fare for the Os.
When showering just now I remember when I was in secondary 2, I slipped and fell and hit my chest. It's already been 3 years since that incident but I can feel a little pain on my chest when I run, do vigorous exercises. I was thinking. If I were to die, no, if I had 1 year to live, what will I do?
I will stop studying, spend my time with my family and friends, till the very last breath I had.
I will not give up.. It's a hindrance and a big obstacle that stand in my way. The war is not over yet till I say so.
I thank everyone who pitched in to get those wonderful gifts for me ; Howard, Jater, Andy, Keegan, Phong Su, Jackson, Keegan, Bing Hong, Qi Sheng and Yu Zhuang. I got today a Razor Lycosa , a gaming keyboard. Howard got me a novel about a cat which I will start reading tomorrow and Jater and Phong Su got me a hat.
Today I just went to school just cause I wanted to see Mdm Faz. She was busy marking the papers for mid year and the art room is practially dead. Only Yz, Howard, Jater , Qs , Phong and I came. I touched up art for awhile and stopped work. We chatted till around 12pm and we all headed for lunch. I tried Hola's Lasagna and it is 100000x better then what we ate at secret recipe a few days ago. There is plenty of it to spare when I'm full and it only costs $6, together with soup and garlic bread.
Overall it was pretty good, just that the cheesy taste gets boring after awhile. Phong Su came to my house after that and watched me play Left 4 Dead with Andy, Keegan and Howard.
I want to thank all of you for the gifts. I appreciate it :)
A day before my birthday! Today, feeling bored, Howard, Jater and I went to marina square to search for the korean BBQ Shop, found it, just that it isn't open and we can't check the price. We slacked a little and then headed for dinner at Secret Recipe. Wanted to try the Lasagna but it costs $9.20 without the cost of GST and service charge.
We still went at it and in the end, it is unsatisfactory... although it tastes good, the quantity is so little that we don't even feel full after finishing it. Wasted that 11.41..... We went for a second round at carl's JR, ate their fries. Its nice! And was really full after that, then we headed home.
Can't wait for tomorrow, officially 17 :D
13th May : amidst the Mid Year exams... flunked. I flunked!!! Math, what can I say? Out of 10 questions, I probably can do only 2. Geog, I flunked, I did not study about development and I really messed up... I'm dead.. really...
I studied so hard for geography but nothing I studied really come out... Is it the paper that is hard or am I really that dumb?