Oh yeah!! Looks freaking awesome doesn't it!!??? Oh my god! You look at this and saliva falls from your mouth immediately.....
NOTseriously, what a disappointment. Unsatisfactory food, expensive price. I mean, what the heck? $11.80 for a bowl of ramen that tastes like magi mee is seriously wrong. The total bill ended up as $77.80. Wow. I swear I'll never go back go Manpuku anymore.. although I can say the environment is good, the food seriously need some improvement. They don't even use pearl rice for their rice!! Pearl Rice is japan's favorite rice!! What were they thinking!!! ): overall, I had a bad experience there and I suggest you guys not to go there. $2.50 for a cup of pepsi.
Overall rating:
Enviroment: 8/10
Food: 1/10
Price: 3/10
Service: 9/10
Added up , Manpuku : 5/10. Eat at your own risk of tearing your wallet. Seriously.
Time flies, it's already near to the mid year examinations. I've really been slacking off in my studies. I need to catch up in 3 subjects. Chemistry, Math and Social Studies. I've tried listening in class, but I really think I'm not absorbing anything. Today I've finally realised that I cannot concentrate at all when I'm thinking about gaming. I really need to kick the habit.
Anyway, speaking bout the world. Swine flu.. before it's chickens and ducks. Now the boars and pigs. Sad for the pigs and those who got it. I really think it's us humans' fault that the disease Mutated. look, without the invention of pesticides, those darn cockroaches in your won't grow so immune to it now don't they? World seems to be heading towards the state of destruction. The weather sucks really bad. Just a day ago I thought I've noticed the longest thunderstorm since Feb. Right after the weather just returns to normal and heats the every thing up.. HUMID!
I took this really cool picture of some passing storm clouds. It looks really

My Thoughts Now are:
Eric Eric, you really need to snap out of what you are doing everyday. Playing computer till so late on weekdays, feeling sleepy during classes. It's o level this year.. if You continue.. You'll fail.
Today I woke up at 8.30am to the sound of my brother playing L4D lols. I doubt he slept yesterday and has been gaming since last night. Anyway, today the bus is surprisingly empty. Only me and 2 malay women. I reached school at around 9am and started my work.
Everyone started to feel bored after doing art and we just slacked around and chatted. Then after that Howard, Qi Sheng, Andy and I went to Tampines 1 as they wanted to shop for things. Saw 4 bastards eating at subway. They had finished eating already but they did not want to stand up although I was standing behind them, LOOKING at them, as if I'm asking them to give us the seat. I mean, the place is so packed already. Anyway, shopped till 5.30 before going home.
A really weird but fun dream today occurred. The dream is about me playing a game against a group of enemy teams. Basically, the game is an FPS. A little like gunz, graphic wise.
I was a speed-type character and I rushed out to grab the enemy's flag and capture it by bringing it over to my own. The flag capture awards the person with wings which will boost his speed. Kinda of a lame and weird dream, but it's like hey! I'm playing a game in my mind!