Happy chinese new year!
Monday, January 26, 2009 4:44 AM
this is a very special post for me because I am blogging directly from my psp. Pss... I am using someone's connection. Today was an awesome day. I got lots of ang pows and everyone was happy. I won $6 gambling . Anyway, I wish everyone a very happy new year. LoL.
Ippen, Shinde miru?
Thursday, January 1, 2009 6:33 AM
"This Is Fujiwari, reporting live at home right now, 10.34pm." In 7 and a half hour, school will officially begin and our nightmares will be fulfilled" yeah yeah what ever. Yup. I'm blogging at the last day of the holiday. In a blink on an eye, a year had passed. In this pass year, 4n1 and me went through many hardship but we grind our teeth , bit our lips and overcame it. The N levels proved national exams to be as scary as it was, or was it?

A few of my classmates did not make it and i wish them a good future in ITE. Either way, The o level's will be held this year and it'll be our final chance to give in all we got for Poly.

Today I went out with Jater to MAGE to collect some stuff. To my surprise, both my figma, Hatsune Miku and Fate Ulimited Codes arrived. I brought em all home.

Miku, Leek queen :)

Fate Unlimited , looks awesome right?

Ippen, Shinde miru?

Mah blog. LEARN TO LOVE IT! Haha, enjoy reading about my life. Be prepared to read alot, cause I tend to type alot of crap when I'm bored. Anyway, for people who don't know Fujiwari, It's me, register number 13, Eric Ang Chee Hau! -..-''

leave a msg.


Something About MeY
name:Fujiwari Taiki aka Eric
birthday:18Th May 92
Youtube Profile : lovesicemilo
A blog bout me, Well, much self explained. I'm an anime freak.

My Wishes My LikesY
Watching Anime
Creating a manga I can call my own
Make a movie/show for games
Anime Characters with cat ears +.+

People with no sense
Keyboard Warriors
Favorite CharactersN
1) Enma Ai - Jigoku Shoujo
2) Hatsune Miku - Vocaloid
3) Reisen Udongein Inaba - Touhou
4) Saber (Arthuria) - Fate/stay Night
5) Pleinair - Disgaea
6) Kooh - Pangya
7) Setsuna Sakurazaki - Negima!
8) Tsukasa Hiiragi - Lucky Star
9) Lucy- Elfen Lied
10)Nagi - Kannagi
11)Reimu Hakurei - Touhou
Wants N
[x]Black Hat
[ ]A shirt that fits a brown flattop cap.
[X]Skull Candy
[X]Outing Bag
[ ]13-18 Points for O Level.
[ ]Black Rock Shooter PVC..
[ ]Kannagi Nendroid

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Bing Hong
Mdm Faz


Layout: Mizurei
Textures: Aethereality


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January 2008
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January 2009
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August 2009